Notarize and certify: blockchain data, pictures, videos, audios, email and all types of documents, to achieve legal relevance
Certified legal value eIDAS and Blockchain
Easy: send the documents and receive your certification in real-time via email.
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By the qualified trust service providers trusted by all European Union’s member states.
Certifydoc acts as an intermediary, certifications are provided by the qualified trust service providers of the EU.
Namirial is a qualified trust service provider trusteed by the EU and AgID Ministry in Italy: AgID-Namirial
Namirial home: here.
You can find it in the EU list:
Izenpe is a qualified trust service provider trusted by the Spanish Industry Ministry and the EU: Prestadores-Izenpe
Izenpe home: here.
You can find it in the European list:
Verify the complete list of the EU Trust Service status List (TSL).
Date certain, integrity, legal conservation of electronic documents
Qualified time stamping is an online process that allows the date certain of a document to be determined, that is, the date and time as digital evidence that can be presented in a judicial proceeding.
This process also offers integrity, that is, the filing and resealing of said electronically signed documents.
Certifydoc provides date certain and integrity thanks to the qualified time stamps of the qualified trusted certifiers in accordance with the EU eIDAS regulation.
The time stamp provides times and date certain with certified legal value and opposable to third parties.
It is the easiest, most complete and cheapest way to give a certain date to an electronic document.
The date certain is dealt with in the civil code of most of the civil law codes world wide and its absence can have very significant consequences, many countries provide a wide jurisprudence in cases of lack of a date certain and integrity.
Article 41.2 of the eIDAS regulation (Regulation (EU) n ° 910/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of July 23, 2014) finally establishes the legal effect of these types of qualified time stamps “2. A qualified electronic time stamp shall enjoy the presumption of the accuracy of the date and the time it indicates and the integrity of the data to which the date and time are bound”.
- The time stamps provided by Certifydoc are valid throughout the EU and have great legal relevance in the rest of the world (which adopts less restrictive rules in this regard).
- Certifydoc time stamps apply to all types of electronic documents, regardless of the size of the files considered.
- Certifydoc also allows you to create heterogeneous document zip packages to which time stamping can be applied easily and securely.
- For each stamp, Certifydoc uses a range of 2 to 3 qualified certifiers to reduce the risk of service problems and diversify certifiers.
- Since Certifydoc acts as an intermediary between the user and qualified EU certifiers, the future state of the Certifydoc company does not present any risk to the user, the stamps are issued and guaranteed over time by the certifiers themselves, the relationship is directly with the certifier.
- Once the certification is received from Certifydoc, the users have everything they need in their hands, they should never resort to Certifydoc for the same certification in the future.
Important: It is not necessary to digitally sign the document to place a time stamp with Certifydoc, they are two independent and different things.
When placing a time stamp on a document that was previously digitally signed, the document gains a longer life (up to 2030 or 10 years) compared to just a signature, which has a life expectancy of 3 years.
Electronic signatures expire, unlike traditional paper ink signatures, to prolong their validity time it is recommended to use qualified time stamps. If the qualified time stamp was affixed when the signature was valid, then the electronic document is valid for the entire validity of the time stamp, regardless of whether the certificate of this electronic signature of the document at a given moment has expired / revoked / suspended.
– Consumer defense
– Protection of the deposit in property rentals
– Video evidences to appeal possible tax authorities challenges in buying properties at lower price to renovate them
– Certifications of WhatsApp conversations and social networks to fight against threats, sexual harassment and gender violence.
– Certify the chain of custody in computer forensic requisition and criminal proceedings
– Deliveries and progress status of works in the constructions / renovations
– Issuance and delivery of electronic invoices.
– Protection of intellectual property.
– Electronic commerce
– Electronic registration / financial books / bets / orders
– Give long-term legal compiance to documents signed with the electronic signature
– Signing of contracts, leasing, credits, financing, insurance
– Secure logging, traceability.
– Secure transactions in electronic commerce.
– Electronic vote.
– Electronic visa.
– Transparency in Government
– Publication of official bulletins
– Presentation to public contests
– Long-term custody of documents
(Tecnologie basate su registri distribuiti e smart
contract)[/icon_timeline_item][icon_timeline_item time_title=”Italia 2019″]Codice della Privacy (Dlgs 196/2003) Modoficato dal D.L. 14 giugno 2019, n. 53, dal D.M. 15 marzo 2019 e dal Decreto di adeguamento al GDPR (Decreto Legislativo 10 agosto 2018, n. 101).[/icon_timeline_item][/icon_timeline]
Certifydoc sends you emails.
Every email discounts one available "Certification".
A Certification is used to certify the documents through Certifydoc.
- Qualified Trusted Service Authorities (maximum legal value)
- Qualified Trusted Service Authorities (maximum legal value)
- Email support
- Qualified Trusted Service Authorities (maximum legal value)
- Email support
Legal relevance in:
EU Countries
Available for:
Million EU Citizens
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